Do you have a really big tree in your neighborhood, or know of a potential champion Big Tree? Use the guidelines below to see if it might qualify as a NH Big Tree, and if it does, complete and submit this nomination form. Whether or not you find an actual big tree champion, looking for the biggest trees in your neighborhood can be lots of fun and a great learning experience.
Please help us by following these steps:
- Identify the species of tree as best you can.
- Using a tape measure, measure the circumference of the trunk in inches at 4 1/2 feet off the ground.(If there is more than one trunk, measure around the main or largest trunk of the tree.)
- Compare your circumference measurement to the same species of tree in the NH Big Tree Listings here!
- If the circumference of the tree you measured exceeds or is close in size to a tree of the same species on the listing, complete the following information: